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Friday 9 September 2011

Hepatitis ABC

It's important to know your Hepatitis ABC risk. Hepatitis AB or C is another silent but deadly killer. May 19th marked world Hepatitis day. That's right, Hepatitis has its own "world day"! There are millions of individuals infected with Hepatitis. Public awareness is one of the most important factors in fighting the disease. President Obama spoke on world hepatitis day. He stated that "Millions of Americans are infected by viral Hepatitis, and too many do not know that they are infected". With a disease that millions are affected by there is certainly little knowledge amongst average person.
Hepatitis A is a liver infection that ultimately affects an individuals liver function. Individuals typically contract Hepatitis A through contaminated food or drink. An individual may also contract the disease by being in contact with a person who already has the disease. Though serious, if the case is mild enough an individual could recover with no treatment. Hand washing and general good hygiene is the best way to avoid Hepatitis A. However, vaccines are available for individuals who have more severe cases. Symptoms of Hepatitis A include fatigue, nausea, fever, itching, muscle pain and jaundice as well as abdominal pain.
Hepatitis B, has some similarities to Hepatitis A as they both affect liver function. Most adults who contract Hepatitis B stand a good chance of full recovery. However, infants and children are more likely to experience more difficulties with the disease. There is no cure for Hepatitis B but there is a vaccine that can prevent it. Symptoms include abdominal pain, dark urine, weakness, loss of appetite and jaundice. Common ways to contract the disease include sexual contact (which includes an infected partners saliva entering your body), needle sharing and infected pregnant women have been known to pass the disease on to their child during childbirth. Some complications include: Liver inflammation, which can lead to liver scarring. Liver scarring can affect the liver's ability to function, Liver cancer and Kidney problems, which may ultimately lead to kidney failure.

Thursday 8 September 2011

The Myth of Global Warming

The very first myth that the earth is warming is that all scientists agree that it is, which is absolutely not the facts. A poll recently taken states that 83% believe that global warming is not taking place and only 17% do. So all scientists do not agree the earth is warming and have data to prove what they believe are the facts. Global satellite data is the best way to measure global warming to check climate measurements. The satellite data, so far to date, since 1979 has shown no measurable increases or any evidence to show that the globe is warming. In fact, the earth experienced a far greater warming period between the 10th and 15th centuries that was designated as the Medieval Warming Period then is happening today.

The time between the 10th and 15th centuries was a time of unusually warm weather and continued until the 15th century when a cold period know as the "Little Ice Age" appeared. The warmer climate resulted in a remarkable increase of prosperity, knowledge, and new art forms in Europe. Agriculture thrived, marshes and swamps dried up, eliminating breeding grounds for mosquitoes that was spreading malaria and killing the population off at the time. Former wetlands were converted to productive farmland that help reduce infant mortality and increase the population that had been devastated by disease before this time. It is estimated that the European population increased to approximately 60 million at the end of this warm period.

Vikings moved from Iceland to Greenland to colonize it and built settlements in Canada. Greenland prosperity reached its height in the later part of the 12th century and the start of the 13th centuries, when over 3,000 colonists occupied over 280 farms. The settlers experienced difficulty in the late 14th century at the beginning of the "Little Ice Age" cooling. The settlements were finally abandoned in the 15th century when it had become too cool to raise any crops. The warming that humanity is experiencing today is simply the result of the emergence from "the Little Ice Age", which was close to the time of the founding of our nation.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Prostate Cancer Surgery Can Help Out

When you have prostate cancer you may think that the end of your life is coming about rather quickly. However, you may need to realize that if you have prostate cancer surgery that it could just be a scare to get you back into the healthy life pattern that you need to have. Then you can take this wake up call to help ensure that you do not get any other forms of cancer that could end your life before you are ready for it to end.
One thing that you do need to realize is if you have benign prostatic hyperplasia you may need to get the surgery done as well. When you have this it is going to be an enlargement of your prostate via little nodules. These nodules could easily press into your uretha and that could make urination difficult. If that is the case then you may have to have the surgery done as well even if it is not related to any of the cancers.
Another thing that you should realize is that you may be able to get the laparoscopic prostatectomy. When you can get this done you will quickly notice that your recovery time is not going to be as long and that the trauma to your body will not be as bad either.
Being told that you have prostate cancer could seem like the end of the world for some people. That is when you may want to explore the option of prostate cancer surgery to help you avoid the end of your life from this disease.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

The Problem With Using Reusable Bags

In the last few years plastic bags are have been branded as major culprits of environmental pollutants, and have been declared as environmental hazards. On the one hand plastic bags are being distributed by the dozen at no charge to the consumer, while on the other hand, are being used indiscriminately by those same consumers. Moreover, plastic bags are rarely reused, and are usually simply thrown away after their first and only use.
In the US alone, almost every person uses approximately 2 bags per day, which may not sound like a lot at first, but amounts to more than 700 bags per year per person. Numbers that high aren't even affected if slashed in half or even by a third.
One problem with plastic bags is that they are made of petrochemicals, a nonrenewable resource. But the major problem is that they never break down. They might fall apart, or break into smaller pieces, but it literally takes hundreds and sometimes thousands of years before plastic degrades. Conventional plastic bags are not readily biodegradable under any normal circumstance. That being said, plastic bags are usually not disposed of properly and represent a major hazard to wildlife. Tens of thousands of whales, birds, seals and turtles are killed every year from bag litter in the marine environment often mistaking plastic bags for food. These bags, once ingested, cannot be digested or passed by an animal so it stays in their digestive tract, preventing food digestion and ultimately leading to a very slow and painful death.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Physical and Spiritual Slavery

I would say that there are two types of slaveries present in this world. The very first one is the physical slavery and the other one is spiritual slavery. Most of the people are free from the physical slavery but only a few people have been able to free themselves from the spiritual slavery which can be called enlightenment.
It would be good to explain about them briefly before I talk about them in detail. We all know that what is physical slavery. Almost every country has suffered because of physical slavery if we look back in the history. Then, the people realized about their rights and started fighting for themselves which made them free from such slavery. Now, this freeing from physical slavery has given them a misconception that they are absolutely free and they can control their life as they want but they are living in some other kind of slavery called spiritual slavery. The spiritual slavery is implemented in such an intelligent design that one cannot know that he is still a slave here. All the information that is reaching us has been controlled by the politicians, religious leaders and bureaucrats. They can make us believe what they want us to believe.
I have vast amount of stuff to write about this slavery but I will try to be brief. My intention will be just to make you realize that it is present. Later, you will understand it in detail automatically. I would say that imposing of anything on you like beliefs, religions, social systems, cultures etc. without your control is spiritual slavery. You have been bound to accept these things as you have no control over it. The foundation stone of this slavery is because of conditioning of mind since the time of our birth. A child is said to believe what we think is correct. We impose our belief systems, religions and social systems on the innocent mind of a child and it hides the inner flowering of a child.

Slavery Dies Hard

The longest delusion of the twentieth century grew out of the idealistic desire to stop the exploitation of labor, free oppressed workers and peasants, abolish capitalism, stop wars and create a workers' paradise while the state and religion gradually withered away. Instead of creating better conditions, the Russian Revolution of 1917 ushered in massive oppression, turmoil and famine. Within 40 years, the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin created the largest system of slave labor in history. Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn brilliantly described this state slavery, including the personal selection of naked female slave laborers as bedmates for Soviet Interior Ministry slave buyers and their associates. Slaves of the Soviet state received far worse treatment than did slaves in the Old South. For exposing the tragedy, horror and cruelty of Soviet slave labor camps in books like One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn won the Nobel Prize in 1970. Slave labor systems arose in other communist nations, including Cambodia, Vietnam, Eastern European communist regimes and Red China. Many millions of Chinese died in forced labor camps under Mao, who numerically surpassed the slave holdings of Stalin and Hitler.
During a 12-year delusion, Nazi Germany created millions of state slaves. Like the Soviets, the Nazis worked "enemies of the people" as slaves and intentionally worked many to death. The Germans executed those unfit to work early in the process. For the Hebrew people, this was at least their third enslavement after two earlier enslavements described in the Bible. Historians know more about the Nazi slave labor system than we do the Soviet counterpart, because the Allies defeated Nazi Germany, physically discovered their work and death camps and learned much from Holocaust survivors, who were then free to speak. While Stalin let up on mass arrests and deportations during the Second World War, Hitler insanely killed more workers during Germany's acute wartime labor shortage. Soviet and Nazi slave laborers were abused as punishment for political, religious, racial, military and ethnic status, not utilized efficiently or with complete dedication to economic production. The Soviet, Nazi and Red Chinese slave labor systems each enslaved over 10,000,000 people. Twentieth century dictatorships did not value the lives of their state slaves.

Are Ozone Air Cleaners Safe?

There has been an increase in the topic of ozone generator rental due to the interest in clean air. Some cities are so polluted by smog that there is fear that this bad air is invading homes. Ozone air filters and cleaners are considered to be great air purifiers. Their safety has come into question; however.
So what is in these generators that has some experts in the scientific community up in arms--ozone! Ozone is 3 atoms of oxygen. Over 20 years ago, people became familiar with the term "ozone" due to the hole in the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere of the Earth. The ozone layer filters out the UV light from the sun. The hole was formed by the effects of man-made chemicals called chloroflurocarbons or CFCs which are mostly found in aerosol cans. In 1987 an international treaty, The Montreal Protocol, was signed to protect the layer by wiping out CFCs from production. The hole is on the mend but there is speculation that it is one of the main culprits of global warming.
The "high in the sky" stratospheric ozone is not harmful but ozone near the ground can be toxic if the concentration is high. Potential problems could lead to irritation of the throat lining, coughs, inflamed lungs, asthma and respiratory issues.
The Environmental Protection Agency does not endorse ozone air purification. They advise that the level of ozone used can not be accurately controlled; therefore, no pets or people should be exposed. Also, the agency believes that the ozone could damage plants, rubber casings of electrical wires, fabric and works of art. Furthermore, the EPA cites studies that ozone generators are not good for odor removal. If a citizen rents an ozone generator or buys one, it is done at their own risk.