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Friday 5 August 2011

Advantages of Nuclear Energy

With limited sources of energy generation left and the renewable ones getting costlier day by day, there is a need for a clean and environment friendly energy source. Nuclear energy seems to the answer to this due to numerous advantages that it has for society as a whole. This energy is released from the nucleus of an atom, typically, uranium. The nuclear reactions take place in the enclosed power plants where mammoth of energy is released when the two atomic nuclei form a single heavy nucleus which is then splits into two smaller nuclei. In simple words an atom is converted in to a huge mass of energy.
This nuclear energy was basically derived for the power generation, over the years many more advantages of nuclear energy have surfaced, which are discussed below:
• The energy generated is million times more than the one that comes from hydro and wind energy. If figures are to be believed then, about 12 to 18% of the world energy is contributed by nuclear.
• It is eco friendly, unlike the popular misconception, as it does not emit any green house gases like carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and chlorofluorocarbon. These gases are supposed to be the main culprit of global warming and lead to the current climate change. So while producing this energy there is no harm caused to the environment.
• As energy doesn't emit any carbon dioxide that a burning of fossil fuels results in, environment is free of this poisonous gas.
• Another advantage of energy is that it uses uranium in the production. Currently, we have a huge resource of uranium in earth which is said to last for 100 years and can create energy for longer hauls.
• As high amount of energy is generated from a single power plant at any given point of time it is inexpensive.
• Nuclear energy is a compact fuel which makes it easy to transport easily.
• It reduces dependency on the fossil fuel. Very little amount of uranium generates a huge amount of energy where as fossil fuels like oil and coal are already depleting while creating a relatively lesser amount of energy.
• Medical uses of this energy include radiotherapy used in special medical conditions like cancer, where it weakens or destroys the particular cells.
Advantages of Nuclear Energy are growing day by day with the new inventions as the scientists around the world are working on it so thoroughly.

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