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Tuesday 16 August 2011

How Does Pollution Affect the Environment?

With the rapid increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the survival of many living species in our planet has become a major question. Without doubt, we are heading towards disaster if we do not curb the pollution that we have brought about due to technological advancements and other activities that are not environmental friendly.
Environmental pollution includes pollution of soil, water and air by releasing large amount of contaminants due to undesirable human activities. In addition, release of methane as well as volcanic eruptions pollute the environment but the extent is very small compared to the human induced pollution.
Burning fossil fuels releases harmful greenhouse gases and increases the amount of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere resulting in air pollution. Water is contaminated by sewage discharge, marine transports and releasing industrial wastes into the water bodies resulting in water pollution. Use of synthetic fertilizers pollutes the land by releasing harmful chemicals into the soil resulting in land or soil pollution. Other than these, radiation pollution, noise pollution as well as thermal pollution exist. Radiation pollution is fatal and even gives rise to genetic problems in human beings.
Environmental pollution triggers harmful consequences most of which are linked to each other. For example, air pollution affects our respiratory system which can further lead to heart attacks due to insufficient oxygen supply and improper working of circulatory system. Water pollution can trigger epidemic attacks and affect the quality of sea food. Soil pollution results in harmful chemicals entering the agricultural yields which give rise to stomach disorders when human consume these food products.

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