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Tuesday 16 August 2011

How Does The World Treat Africa

It has become imperative that the ideas underlying every African nations was those eminent to the present day rage which has of course blast every gentle mind to fury. A day of terror approach where there will be constant betrayal and in this betrayal, brothers will sell their kindred to slavery in terms of new global slave trade known as 'economic dependency'.
But nonetheless, nations have taken the lead in correcting the ills and wrongs of the 'big five' nations. Nations have stood their ground and has taken their destiny, and at which point they have done the best bid by defending their course diplomatically in the theatre of international arena. Some of these nations knew the mysteries underpinning their suffering, yet they have played along course the ideologies of the 'big five', being used as battle ground for selfish purposes. It is regrettable that even citizens of these nations have fell Snell to this obnoxious nonsense just like the proverbial Judas Iscariot in the holy Bible. Imagine the endless and senseless wars in Iraq, Iran nuclear escapade, North Korea' stubbornness to disarm all nuclear aspirations, Israel's mutiny with neighboring factions like the Hezbollah military stronghold, Palestine's breakage and the suicide bomb warranty, Lebanon and the outside codified ally, the Fatah/Hamas struggle for political supremacy, U.S ego-problem with the oil rich nations, Africa's nations and the eminent problem and resolutions to the civil war affected areas.
The controversies over ethics and morality in the global setting are beset by complications of what is the subject of the discussion and what influences globalization has on the features of societies in an international system. There are some international truths that must be unfolded before everything controversial in international politics and the ideal mystery of the Big Five can be settled within themselves without rubbing other nations of their mal-Unity. Are there many reasonable moral views, some of which stand in contradiction, in the world? Are there universal moral norms which no state or person may disregard without being blameworthy from the moral point of view? Is a "my citizens first" ethics compatible with right behavior? Who, if anyone, answers morally for the destruction of lives and ways of life in foreign countries through the consumption of richer countries? And how does all this apply to international law?
If these questions and numerous others cannot be answered, then I m afraid that the Unity and life span of UN is limited to grand zero actualization, despite past height in international peace reconciliation. The bridge that binds nations together under the ties of the UN will be broken forever, and the result will be constant political unrest, International evils in economy, technology and discovery, Terrorism and Wars, Usurpation of National Sovereignty, disloyalty to international constitution as it reflects the UN, national ego-ideal focus, bilateral and trade exploitation, increase in embargo due to fear of the unknown apart from terrorist attacks, diseases and high mortality rate.
Well in terms of its beneficial inter-relatedness, numerous coefficients serve to warm up African Consciousness, which has started to take effects in the areas of Global Mutiny and economic considerations, Africa which they term as developing has arrived at the isles to be self peopled, economically viable, and in my opinion, this is advancement taking place...So Globalization can be taken from either sense as classed economy or the United Nation's perception of power tussles. What I like to know also is the random ideological mutiny, which the Big Five has in post economic exploitation of the more sensitized and conscientized African Communities that claims to be moving towards development. At the height of augmentation, Mozambique, Gambia, Zimbabwe and the rest other southern and eastern nations of Africa are said to be near develop. Then the ethical questions is; what where the parameters that was used in determining the height of economic growth? When with mere eye-saw, these western nations with their economic sickles, and paranoid behaviors in economics, politics, inventions, science and technology, democracy and the like has affected the African Nations with their beefs within its shores.
It is more obvious, if Africans have forgotten so soon that we do not as Africans subscribe to the ideal barbarian lifestyle of the west, and as such those nations of Africa who once defended these way of life, and who where direct student of Marcus morsiah Garvey call for African's consciousness has been bought over simply for the urgency to unify allies in a bid to overcome perceived enemy of so called world-police nations. Our subscription with due course is to the overall unity of all African nations hence the ideal conception and impregnation of the African Unity (AU). Better still the hope of an average African is growth and peaceful co-existence of all Africans undermining civil wars which with respect to numerous investigations where directly and indirectly fueled by the so called western super-powers.

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