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Tuesday 9 August 2011

Nuclear Energy Is Green

Nuclear energy generated in nuclear reactor is usually not viewed in positive light as many novices have termed it as energy that would harm the environment with its radiation. Over the years with proper scientific research and studies it has now been established, by leading scientists and nuclear engineers, that nuclear energy the safest alternative mode of energy which is eco-friendly and serves the mass electricity needs of the people from across the world. With global warming on everyone's mind, nuclear energy ends up becoming a soft target due to handful of incidents like Fukushima or Chernobyl, hence, it is time to clear these misconceptions backed by robust scientific facts.
A nuclear power plant is typically a clean-air plant as it doesn't emit any greenhouse gases, acidic gases, or particulates which have potential of leading to disastrous global warming, environmental degradation, and tens of thousands of premature deaths. When one compares the amount of energy that a nuclear power plant produces with the impact that it has on the environment, it can be easily realized that power generated is much higher than any potential miniscule damage that nuclear radiation may cause.
Furthermore a recent study suggests that Thorium has been hailed as a 'greener' option to traditional nuclear fuels, such as uranium and plutonium. Thorium is supposed to be incapable of producing the runaway chain reaction which in an uranium-fuelled reactor can cause a catastrophic meltdown. In addition, only a tiny fraction of the dangerous waste is created by thorium-fuelled reactors as compared to the one ran on uranium.
However, one has to remember that there is no carbon-free energy in this world, what makes nuclear stand out is the facts that it emits lesser proportion of carbon energy as compared to fossil fuel. As far as the greenhouse gas is concerned right from mining uranium ore to refining and enriching fuel to building the plant and operating it nuclear power releases just more than a little of them which are absolutely negligible which is much lower than the amount released by the coal-fired power plants and natural-gas turbine and is even better than solar power and small-scale hydro projects.
Nuclear Energy is green because it is clean with no hampering to environment in any form. It is time to make a green change and embrace nuclear energy with open arms, especially if you care for nature and want your children to enjoy the fresh air that you breathe in.

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