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Monday, 15 August 2011

The War on Terror Returning to Afghanistan - Where's the End?

When we were attacked on 9/11, a very sleeping giant woke from its slumber and went on a rampage, wanting to wreck havoc on the same people that had the audacity to fly planes into our buildings. We wanted revenge and we wanted to rid the world of terrorists once and for all. We were going to declare a War on Terror and be led by our valiant President, George W. Bush. Something went wrong, though. Our eyes got caught on another big prize before we had finished our initial task.
Enter the War in Iraq. The war went on to become a disaster and cost a ridiculous amount of money. Granted, things have gotten much better in Iraq, but for a time, we lost a lot of soldiers. While we were fighting the war in Iraq, our focus left Afghanistan. The war was still going on, but the number of supplies they needed to successfully wage their war was limited and when push came to shove, they were unable to push back and destroy the Taliban completely.
President Obama has made it clear, though, since he won that he plans on making Afghanistan the front. He has already ordered thirty thousand soldiers there and this could make a nice addition to the soldiers already there. People are skeptical, though, and curious about whether they can make a difference. Looking at everything, some ask a very simple question: Can this war even be won?
It will be, but it will take a lot of time. More importantly, in my eyes, is what will happen when it is over. Will we be able to go back to a peaceful time when we were not trying to police the world? Will the United States, as much as we are powerful, focus on our own people and not on the world. That's what the United Nations was created for.
War is a necessary thing, sometimes, but the way wars have been waged in the past decade has been ridiculous. We need to stop trying to place the police of the world and instead, focus our energy on correcting the problems in our own country. By fixing our own self and not being so imperialistic, we can finally become the prosperous country that so many people still claim that we are. However, that will not happen so long as the United States spends billions a month in unwanted wars.

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